How to Clean an Area Rug on Hardwood

The Right Way to Place a Rug
Ok, this part is optional, but will help prolong the life of your rug and of your hardwood floors: when placing a rug, you should always use a rug pad. Rug pads allow your rug to last longer by providing them a more forgiving backing and make your hardwood floors last longer by keeping abrasive dirt and grit from trickling down through your carpet and landing directly atop your floors.
Of course, not all rugs are going to work with a rug pad and not all rug pads are going to prevent dirt from passing through to your floors. However, a high quality rug pad will go a long way towards boosting the longevity of both your rug and hardwoods.
Vacuuming Your Rug
Anyone who owns a rug should own a vacuum – the convenience they offer is simply unparalleled. A high quality vacuum will create a powerful suction that can pull dirt and hair out of your rug fibers. Skip the anemic vacuum cleaner you found at a garage sale – if you’re going through the effort of vacuuming you might as well use a device which is working as hard as you are!
Spot Clean Stains
Stains are inevitable and take many forms. Food, drinks, and pet stains are the most common culprits, but no matter the cause it is important to treat stains ASAP. If you delay, the stain can set deeply inside of the carpet fibers and become much more difficult to remove.
The first step to spot cleaning stains is to blot (not rub!) as much of the offending liquid as possible. Use clean, dry, absorbent cloths, gently pressing at the stain until you are no longer able to pull any more liquid from it.
Next, you need to choose an appropriate carpet cleaner. Pet urine stains should be treated with an enzymatic cleaner to help remove odors, while food stains can be treated with regular carpet cleaning agents. For store bought cleaners, be sure to follow the included instructions.
If you’re feeling handy, there are several DIY carpet cleaner recipes which usually yield good results. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using one of favorite home rug cleaner recipes:
- 1 part white vinegar
- 1 part warm water
- A squirt or two of dishwashing soap
- Baking soda / Sodium bicarbonate (not baking powder!)

Combine your white vinegar, water, and dish soap together in a spray bottle – shake gently to mix – don’t over do it otherwise you’ll end up with a bottle full of foam!
Cover the stain with a thin layer of baking soda. Try to use just enough – not so little that you can barely see the powder, and not so much that all you can see is a mound of baking soda!
Spray your cleaning solution onto the stain, making sure to extend beyond the edges of the stain. Wait a minute or two for the foaming to stop and then blot the stain dry with a clean colorfast rag.
Using a slightly damp rag (yes, another rag!) gently blot the stain. Wait for it to dry and then vacuum to remove any remaining baking soda.
Using a Carpet Steamer on Rugs?
Carpet steamers are sometimes available for rent at local hardware stores and can be a good option for deep cleaning rugs. While steam is usually safe for clean an area rug, the same cannot be said for hardwood floors. Even sealed wood floors may bulge or warp when exposed to the high temperatures that steam cleaning entails.
If you use a steam cleaner it is important to first move your rug to a heat safe surface such as tile or concrete flooring.

A Dry Alternative
There are a few waterless options for cleaning area rugs which generally provide greater levels of deodorization and deeper cleaning than simple vacuuming.
Dry carpet cleaners are powders which you sprinkle over your rug, allow to sit briefly, and then vacuum up. At their most basic these powders are simply super-fine sodium bicarbonate, although some formulations contain proprietary blends of ingredients which liberate more dirt and neutralize odors.
How often should an area rug be cleaned?
It’s important to vacuum at least once a week in order to prevent dust, dirt, pet hair and other grime from settling deep into your rug. Deeply set dirt can resist even the most powerful vacuums.
Another benefit of regular cleaning is that it prevents the accumulation of dust mites. Dust mites eat dust and thus keeping your rugs clean is a great way to keep their numbers in check. As a common source of indoor allergens, it is important to do what you can to limit dust mites’ ability to grow and reproduce.
To keep your area rug at its best, it is recommended that you deep clean it every 12 to 18 months. The precise timing will vary depending on how much foot traffic the rug receives and whether or not your household has children or pets.
Clean is Beautiful
Area rugs can really tie a living room together, adding a pop of color and a lush softness underfoot. For the most part, weekly vacuuming and spot cleaning stains will be sufficient, although you should take your rug to get professionally cleaned every year to year and half in order to maximize its longevity and keep it looking its best.